Monday, June 07, 2010


Long time no update.

I’m slowly digging out from under an avalanche of commitments.

The writing of
The Dead Sheriff prose book is going well. I should be finished in two to three weeks. In the midst of that, I have to pause to write a short story for an anthology.

Speaking of stories, my collection
Looking at the World with Broken Glass in My Eye is scheduled for publication in July. I’m the hold-up on this one. I have to go over the edits before we can move forward. Billy Tackett has produced a phenomenal cover. The book will be published by Graveside Tales.

My pulp adventure serial
Donovan Pike and the City of the Gods will resume on June 13 at Pulp Nocturne, and hopefully stick to a weekly schedule until it’s completed. During the hiatus, Donovan Pike has found a publisher and will appear in book form soon after the web serial is finished. The next pulp novel is lined up for 2011. It involves Nazis, monsters and a guy dressed in red, white and blue, along with the scrappiest kid gang since the Newsboy Legion.

I have a story coming soon in another pulp-inspired anthology. I can hopefully announced that, and show you the cool cover, this weekend.

On a regular basis I’m asked about the status of
Dead Earth: The Vengeance Road, the novel I wrote with David T. Wilbanks. As far as I know, it’s still scheduled for publication this year, though I haven’t had an update for quite some time.

There have been a couple of new reviews of the first book in the series,
Dead Earth: The Green Dawn. You can read them here and here.

Pod of Horror has suffered a delay, too. In fact, and in the interest of full disclosure, I briefly flirted with the idea of putting the show on hiatus or canceling it altogether. It takes a chunk of time that I'm having trouble finding these days. But I came to my senses, and I hope to debut the next episode, with guest Peter Straub, on June 19th.


Rabid Fox said...

Congrats on the collection coming out in July. The title is fantastic, that's for sure.

And glad to hear there's another PoH in the works.

Anonymous said...

I think I speak for everyone when I say that I am happy to hear that Pod of Horror isn't going away.

You really need to take that Kalanta woman down a peg every month. Seriously, who does she think she is?

Donald said...

I love Pod of Horror, I've been listening to it since the beginning. I'm glad it's still alive...thrilled to hear Peter Straub's the next guest.