Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Traffic 'n' Books 'n' Movies

You know, there’s nothing quite so lovely as when the guy in the truck in front of you at the red light opens his door to lean out and hawk up a pound or so of freshly suckled smokeless tobacco.

Ah, civilization.


Speaking of traffic, why is it so difficult for drivers to fathom the proper way to use the center turn lane? A few years ago many of the streets in town were widened to include a turn lane. Every day – every friggin’ elf-whipping, reindeer spanking day – some moron in front of me COMES TO A COMPLETE STOP BEFORE MERGING INTO THE TURN LANE.

A. Complete. Stop.

If I weren’t a such gentle, tolerant man I would wish for smokeless tobacco to hawk upon these disadvantaged drivers.


I picked up Dean Koontz’s Forever Odd today. For a few years I stopped reading Koontz. There was something about the way his style had changed – ponderous sentences full of obscure words that read as if they had been forced past the sphincter of a constipated mind – that prevented me from getting caught up in the story. A couple of years back I read The Taking and found that either Koontz had changed or I had, because I could enjoy his stuff again. Odd Thomas was a great book. I hope this sequel works as well.

I also bought the Fantastic Four DVD. I may have been in the minority, but I loved this movie. I thought it was well cast. The effects were impressive. And it captured the family bond from the early days of the series. FF was one of the earliest comic books I ever owned.

(In fact my first comic was FF #39, guest-starring Daredevil.

I know. I’m a geek.)

And let’s face it. Jessica Alba in a skin tight costume doesn’t suck.

If you’re looking for a dark, gritty spin on superheroes ala Batman Begins, look elsewhere. This is a fun romp for people who grew up with brightly colored comics. This is for me.

Did I mention Jessica Alba wears a skin tight costume?

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