Thursday, November 23, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving

It's a little past 7:30. I'm sitting at my desk, sipping coffee. I've read Get Fuzzy, Doonesbury and The Dinette Set, so I'm ready to start my day.

The turkey is done. Norma has also made a red velvet cake, two pumpkins pies and a pecan pie, gravy, cranberry relish and cornbread for today's dressing. In a bit I'll be peeling about ten pounds of spuds while the Macy's parade is on and Norma will make the dressing, broccoli casserole and her signature dish, one that I had never eaten before I met her and one that has now become the most requested side dish by our family and friends, rice dressing.

I'll eat too much and laugh a lot with our extended family. Then, after everyone's gone home and Norma's in bed, I'll heat up a plate of leftovers and watch some more Veronica Mars. Norma bought the season one box set for me Tuesday and so far I've zipped through nine episodes. The theme song by The Dandy Warhols is stuck in my head.

What else is going on?

I sold a short story yesterday. It's a sale I'm very happy about. I'll tell you about it when the contract is signed.

The Secret Agent X book with my novelette "The Cult of the Walking Dead" is now available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble. That may make it a little more comfortable for some to order online. It's a fun book, full of the old blood 'n' thunder pulp excitement. You could find worst ways to spend your leisure time. Thanks to Ron Fortier for the links.

Meantime, have a great holiday. I hope you get to spend the day with people you enjoy.


Ron Fortier said...

Ditto, Mark. I'm about to sit down and watch come Macy Day parade fun with my second cup of coffee and a bagel. Don't want to overdo eating too early. Ha. In the afternoon pack up Valerie, her Mom and a giant box of cheesecake and drive off to our daughter Michelle's. Will be spending rest of the day watching football games with my son-in-law Chris, and two granddaughters, Kristi and Chelsea. Around 3 PM we'll sit down to the table, thank the good Lord for all our blessing and then chow down.

Mark Justice said...

I;m sorry, Ron, my brain locked up after "a giant box of cheesecake." :^)

Have a great holiday.