Sunday, November 20, 2011

Cramming for Stuffing

One more brief day of work, then I’m on vacation. It’s the first real vacation in what has been a very long year.

Here’s my vacation plan:

1) Don’t get up at Oh God o’clock every morning.

2) Help Norma with whatever needs to be done to prepare for Thanksgiving (including–but not limited to–being the official taster. Oh, what a burden I bear). This year I have more to be thankful for than at any time in my life and I want to take the time to properly appreciate that.

3) Write. I have to finish two non-fiction pieces, one overdue short story, a final edit on Dead Earth: Sanctuary and continue with the second Dead Sheriff book.

I thought about adding “eat leftovers” but I think that is assumed.

I hope you have a good week.

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