Monday, March 05, 2007

Where you been, boy?

Well, let's see. I've been working. A lot. I was sick for a couple of days last week with some kind of bug. Norma had it too. It's the third time I've had the mini-crud since mid-December. Next year I'll think about getting a flu shot.

On the writing front, I finished a short story in time for submission to an anthology. Just in time. Nick o' time, you might say. I wrote it with a fever, between bouts of running to the can. I have a feeling it's really good or really bad. I haven't been able to make myself read it since the fever broke.

On Sunday I received an invitation to another anthology. This one required a brief story synopsis to be approved in advance, so I wrote that up yesterday morning. It got accepted today, so now all I have to do is a little research, then it's time to write the thing.

Yesterday I also heard from a editor about a story I sold him in April 2004. Yep, three years ago. It looks like it's finally going to be published. Sometime the wheels turn slow (and, no, the anthology isn't In Laymon's Terms; for the record, that story was sold in February 2003 and I'm patiently waiting on the book to come out).

I finally watched The Departed with my brother yesterday (cuz it sure ain't a movie my wife would like). Hey, is The Departed the Oscar winner with the most shots to the head? I'm no expert, but it seems like it to me.

1 comment:

Ron Fortier said...

Yup, that's the one, Mark. You know, it's one of the movies that I came out of the theater going, hmm, okay,
so who exactly won here? The good guys or the bad guys? I mean,I thought the acting was great, direction, all that stuff. But I must be stupid cause in the end the story really didn't make a whole lot of sense. Everyone in it was dead. Not something I plan on buying watching again real soon. Ha.