This Thanksgiving was the most mellow we’ve ever had. That was good, since Norma’s cold/bronchitis got worse every day. She slept a lot, which meant much reading and writing for me (but no ‘rithmetic).
In fact, it was one of the most productive writing weeks I’ve ever had. I guess I need to get one of those fancy Steve Vernon word count meters.
I’m finishing up a story for an anthology, then it’s back to the novel. I also have to write a fun story for a top secret project before the end of the year. The genre is a particular love of mine, so I’m looking forward to it.
During the Bengals game today ( a game they almost gave away) I worked out a big chunk of my comic book proposal, so I need to carve out some time to formalize that.
At least I won’t be bored.

I’m reading Branded by Ed Gorman.
Gorman, if you don’t know, is one of the finest writers in America. He works in a variety of genres, and every novel is a gem.
Branded is one of Gorman’s westerns, but if you’re not a fan of the oaters, don’t worry. As others have pointed out, most of Gorman’s westerns are really noir mysteries in cowboy dress.
Gorman can set a scene or bring a character to life with just a few word, wielding his keyboard like a scalpel. As a result, his books move like a rocket sled.
Here’s your assignment: Run out to the bookstore or go online and grab an Ed Gorman book -- thriller, mystery, horror, western. He’s one of publishing’s best kept secrets.
You will not be disappointed.
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