Thursday, February 16, 2006

LOST Isn't

It was another fine episode of Lost this week. So far the show is very skillfully avoiding the sophomore slump.

I’ve heard some viewers complain that Lost has lost it’s way, as if the critics have gotten a peek at some secret Lost playbook and can point to where the producers deviated from their plan.

Hey, you jamokes, it’s the second friggin’ season. Give it a chance.

I know, I know. We were all burned by The X-Files. “We’ve know where we’re going with this mess,” they told us. But it turns out they were more confused than Dick Cheney taking a shot at a covey of quail.

However, Lost still provides the best hour of entertainment on TV. The writers continue to ratchet up the mystery and suspense, while the character development remains superb.

In fact, a lot of novelists could learn a few things about story structure from Lost.

You know who you are.

I’ve also heard that Invasion has gotten better. After the first three episodes remarkably duplicated the effects of Nyquil, I left and never went back. Maybe I’ll catch the DVDs this summer.

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