Thursday, February 01, 2007

Everything Must Perish

I'm part of a new podcast offered by Delirium Books. Everything Must Perish #1 is available now at the Delirium Insider.

It's a podcast devoted to original apocalyptic fiction and I narrate each issue's story.

The first issue features "Iniquities at Her Feet" by Bryan Eytcheson.



Unknown said...

Keep up the good work, Mark.

I managed to hit 20k by the end of January.

Finally getting around to reading I am Legend. The beginnning already has me. Just wish I had it as an audio book. Fracking commute!

Good to hear about Everything Must Perish. I am a big podcast listener. I will check it out.

Keep on truckin,'

Bryan in Sacramento

Mark Justice said...


Good news on the word count. Keep at it, man.

The first time I read I AM LEGEND I stayed up all night and finished in one sitting -- back when I was young. :^) It's an amazing book. I am NOT looking forward to the Will Smith film version. But, who knows -- I might be surprised.

I hope you dig EMP.

Shane at Delirium is always doing something interesting.